Sassy Old Liberal Speaking

I am an old social worker, who thinks that we need to look at life around us, listen to our hearts and state our political beliefs with as much clarity, passion, diversity and truth as we are capable of. We are all the sum total of our experiences. If you don't like how things are...change em'!

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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

Monday, August 26, 2002

Let's not get fooled again

I am old enough to remember the tag-end experiences of the Depression, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War and Civil Rights movement. I remember fears, victories, sacrifices, mistakes and prices paid by Americans for decisions made by our leaders.

Today, for the first time, I am truly fearful. Not of terrorists or enemies (real or imagined), but of the actions of my President, his Cabinet and our national legislators.

I fear the zealotry that abrogates the civil rights of my country; the sense of entitlement that brings leaders to think they can do anything they please without accountability; the arrogance that leads our nation to dictating what kind of governments other countries should espouse; and the insanity of declaring war on other countries, without real proof of cause or international assent.

"Because I said so" not good enough for me.
"Because I want to get re-elected" no excuse for supporting bad policies on either side of the aisle.
"Because I can" not excuse for breaking world treaties and damaging foreign relationships.
"Because I am the President" no fiat to act unilaterally.
"Because I am about my father's business" no excuse for ignoring the current needs of America: its infrastructure, economy, schools, national debt, Social Security, medical insurance issues, rural issues, etc.

It is not acceptable to ask the most vulnerable in this country or foreign countries to pay the cost of any party's covert goals.

I fear those in power with long memories and unfinished agendas.