Sassy Old Liberal Speaking

I am an old social worker, who thinks that we need to look at life around us, listen to our hearts and state our political beliefs with as much clarity, passion, diversity and truth as we are capable of. We are all the sum total of our experiences. If you don't like how things are...change em'!

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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Worried about bus riders

I rode the bus as a single mom with three kids and a minimum wage job and no car. As a retiree living on Social Security, I am one car accident or car breakdown from becoming a rider again.

I listen to disabled folks who depend on the bus for medical services, church attendance, shopping and “independence”....worry.

I watch workers and employers who worry about filling swing and graveyard shifts. I listen to young mothers worry about the lack of transportation to meet the demand to work, as well as take their children to safe (abusive boyfriend free) daycare centers.

I listen to my teenage neighbor who says she’s going away to college and not coming back because “Spokane is mean” to even consider cutting the services.

I listen to troglodytes who have their heads stuck in their past, unwilling to absorb new information and act accordingly.

I could get depressed if I weren’t watching the hundreds of passionate civic, business, union, and church leaders, and neighborhood activists who are not bus riders swing into action to support the upcoming minimum tax of .003 per dollar to keep a viable transportation system in Spokane.

Thanks. Let’s all vote for Spokane’s future.