Sassy Old Liberal Speaking

I am an old social worker, who thinks that we need to look at life around us, listen to our hearts and state our political beliefs with as much clarity, passion, diversity and truth as we are capable of. We are all the sum total of our experiences. If you don't like how things are...change em'!

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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Understanding Liberal

After checking out my handy dandy thesaurus (Reader's Digest Family Word Finder), I think "liberal" rocks....count me in!

I found that the antonym (opposite meaning) nails down those who use 'liberal' as a dirty word.

If your head is nodding after reading, my friend.. are a liberal!

-adj.1. progressive, reformist, advanced, freethinking; civil libertarian, latitudinarian; left-wing
2. fair-minded, open-minded, broad-minded, tolerant, forbearing, magnanimous, un-bigoted, unprejudiced, unbiased, impartial; enlightened, humanitarian.
3. abundant, generous, openhanded, unsparing, bounteous, bountiful, handsome, munificent, unstinting, plenteous, ample.
4. lenient, broad, unrigorous, not strict, flexible, tolerant, open to reason, not literal.
5. progressive, reformer, latitudinarian, libertarian, left-winger, leftist.

-Ant.1. conservative, reactionary, right-wing.
2. intolerant, narrow, bigoted, biased, prejudiced, provincial, limited.
3. skimpy, inadequate, small, cheap
4. strict, unbending, fixed, inflexible, rigid, literal.
5. conservative, reactionary, right-winger.


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