Sassy Old Liberal Speaking

I am an old social worker, who thinks that we need to look at life around us, listen to our hearts and state our political beliefs with as much clarity, passion, diversity and truth as we are capable of. We are all the sum total of our experiences. If you don't like how things are...change em'!

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Location: Spokane, Washington, United States

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Peter Goldmark...Cowboy with a White Hat and a PhD

Of all the strengths I admire in Peter Goldmark, his common sense ranks high.

It’s no easy task to pursue election without selling your soul for the dollars required for campaigning. But I watch him trying. I have observed a man who holds fast to his sense of ethics, displays a reverence for life, and is passionate about those needs that touch his community and country.

He has an intellectual curiosity that runs the gamut from scientific research to wondering “what his constituents really think are critical issues”. He insures notes are taken so he won’t lose their ideas. He can admit when he is not fully informed about something and ask for further information.

That curiosity led to exploring alternative energy sources, war in Iraq, health care, tribal and veterans issues, education, business and rural community needs...and...ethics in congress!

McMorris’ phony television ad accusing of Peter Goldmark being a “dreaded taxman” is a far cry from his stated concern about excessive taxes burdening constituents.

Okay...I confess...I like his sense of humor best! When Goldmark said “I wear cowboy boots so that I can walk through the kind of stuff that my opponent is shoveling out” ...he got my vote!